Laravel Best Practices for 2024

The only thing that has shown to be consistent in today’s culture is change, and in the web application development sector, this is innovation. Laravel is a prominent PHP framework that enables hiring dedicated developers to quickly construct web applications. According to, over 25.9 million websites employ a PHP framework, which accounts for 14% of all websites worldwide.

To make Laravel programming easier, stick here to read some of the Laravel best practices.  In this article, we, as a leading Laravel development firm, will explain some of the best Laravel practices to assist you successfully complete your project.

What Is Laravel?

Laravel is a popular open-source PHP framework that aims to make development processes more appealing without compromising quality. It uses the Model View Controller (MVC) design paradigm, which makes the language more understandable and adaptable. It is recognised as a web application framework with descriptive and appealing syntax that tries to simplify typical activities performed in online projects and apps, hence reducing some of the pain involved with development.

Since its inception in 2011, Laravel has added built-in support for internationalization, views, session management, rerouting requests to the right controller, and an array of other fantastic features. Continue reading to learn the Laravel best practices! 

Laravel Best Practices for 2024

Here is the Laravel best practices complete list in detail for working efficiently with Laravel.

Focus on Laravel version upgrades

For web solutions, it is best to utilize the most recent Laravel version. Laravel is constantly improving the framework’s functionality and capabilities, addressing bugs and other issues from previous releases.

When you utilize the most recent version, you can enable all of the features that suggest a high-performing and secure technique of app development.

Asset Compilation 

Organizing assets individually allows you to better manage your data. Laravel Mix is an asset compilation package included into the framework.

These packages help you in the early stages of web app development by allowing you to save various sorts of data in different files or places. You don’t have to be anxious about data loss or unsure about the data you actually need.

Maintain the optimum coding standards

When designing a program, you follow internal code development guidelines. The business logic is expected to be maintained with standard Laravel tools that provide understandable and maintainable code.

Each framework has its own set of internal coding rules. The good news is that as long as the settings are compatible with the composer, Laravel will not impose any restrictions. On the other hand, authorities recommend adhering to the PSR-2 and PSR-4 coding standards.

Artisan Command Line Interface (code)

The Artisan command-line tool is unique to Laravel. Making the most of the Artisan CLI is recommended because it has a positive impact on the development process. It provides a variety of important instructions for accelerating the development of applications. It makes use of the Symfony Console component, which helps with web development. The Artisan instructions can also be used to plan tasks and respond to certain events.

Choose the extensions effectively

One of the best aspects about Laravel is the wide range of packages and plugins available. These packages allow staff to take advantage of the framework’s benefits for a wide range of jobs, including testing, migration, and others.

The Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) philosophy in Laravel packages states that duplication in logic must be eliminated by abstraction, while duplication in the process must be reduced through automation.

Furthermore, you may always disable any functionality offered by a package that you believe is unnecessary for your project; this will have no effect on the overall ecosystem of the website.

Use the embedded Laravel functionalities

Laravel’s built-in capabilities can help you build your online application more quickly and easily. For example, Laravel provides tools for routing, database migration, authentication, and other tasks. When developing your online application, you can save time and effort by using these built-in functionalities.

Utilize Dependency Injection

Dependency injection is an architectural technique that allows you to inject dependencies into a class instead of hardcoding them. Your code may become more modular, testable, and maintainable as a result. Laravel’s robust container allows you to quickly implement dependency injection in your application.

Make use of factories(code)

Using factories for creating test data is a common and recommended approach in Laravel web app development. Factories are a simple technique for creating dummy data that may be used for testing and seeding a database.

Factories enable you to employ Laravel developers to quickly generate test data using only a few lines of code while preserving consistency. Factories offer a great deal of versatility in terms of generating test data and may be tailored to produce unique data situations needed for testing, such as developing related data models or adding specific properties.

Using Eloquent ORM (code)

Laravel Eloquent ORM features provide a nice ActiveRecord implementation for database interactions. Taking care of your model’s naming convention is the best way to use the Eloquent ORM properly.

Every database object in the Laravel Eloquent ORM has a model. These models are used to interact with the database and perform various functions. It is critical that you follow this approach to avoid Eloquent-related difficulties.

Use personalized form requests (code)

Using custom form requests is another best practice in Laravel web development for form validation. Laravel provides an easy way to validate incoming HTTP requests with Form Requests, allowing you to engage specialized engineers, centralize validation logic, and keep controllers clean and simple.

It can help improve the quality and dependability of web applications by centralizing validation logic and keeping controllers simple and focused.

Don’t waste API calls, instead use mocks (code)

Using mocks is an excellent practice for your new Laravel web development, especially when it comes to lowering the number of API best practice calls made during testing.

Mocking is the process that creates a false implementation of a function or class that behaves similarly to the genuine version. This lets you test your code without actually using the real implementation, which can save you time and resources, especially if you’re making expensive or slow API calls.

You may use Laravel’s built-in Mockery library for creating mock objects. This module includes easy and powerful API best Laravel practices for mocking and setting expectations.

Use single action controllers (code)

Using single-action controllers is a smart technique for Laravel web development, especially if your apps are small or simple and do not require complicated controller logic.

Single-action controllers, as the name implies, have only one action method that responds to a given HTTP request. This can help to simplify the codebase, making it more readable and maintainable. It can also minimize the size of the controller files and increase their modularity.

Prevent stray HTTP requests (code)

Preventing stray HTTP requests is one of the greatest Laravel practices for successfully finishing your Laravel web development project because it helps to ensure that your application runs efficiently and safely.

Stray HTTP requests can occur when a user mistakenly refreshes or resubmits a form or clicks a button more than once, causing additional requests to be sent to the server. This might lead to a range of troubles in your Laravel application.

Implementing strategies such as CSRF protection, HTTP redirects, client-side validation, and removing form elements will help ensure that your application runs efficiently and securely.

Don’t track your compiled CSS and JavaScript (code)

Your CSS and JavaScript were built from the originals in resources/css and resource/js. Before releasing a product into production, you must first create it or build it on the server.

If you’re still using Laravel Mix, stop tracking it. Because each update creates a new public/css/app.css or public/js/app.js file that must be committed, which is inconvenient.

Use the down() method correctly (code)

When you need to roll back database changes, use the down() function (which is also used by the php artisan migrate: rollback command).

Some people utilize it, while others don’t.

If you are one of those that use it, make sure your down() function is properly implemented.

The down() method essentially has to do the opposite action as the up() method.

Using a time-out HTTP request

To avoid timeout errors, use the HTTP client timeout approach. You can prevent delaying errors by utilizing the timeout HTTP request. It is critical because Laravel times out after 30 seconds and networks commonly experience instability.

Timeouts are important because they prevent applications from hanging indefinitely if a request is delayed and you do not receive a formal error response.

As a result, utilize timeouts only when absolutely essential, as longer delays will simply lead to errors.


Finally, following Laravel best practices can help you create high-quality web apps that are secure, maintainable, and fast. You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking to hire a Laravel developer for your next project and want to ensure they follow Laravel API development best practices. Xelent Solutions is a top web application development company that can meet all of your needs. Before the final launch, we take extra precautions to verify that your project is error-free. So please contact us if you have any recommendations!

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